Pre-Pay vs. Subscribe Widget


  • Must have a subscription app installed
  • Must have a subscription plan added to a product
  • Must be on a 2.0 Shopify theme
  • Must have the Subscription Optimizer app installed on store
  • Must have a live Shopify store on a plan


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NOTE: The prepaid widget works by swapping between different products with assigned subscription plans. Using Shopify and your preferred subscription app, you’ll need to create separate products and assign separate subscription plans to those products.


Initial Setup

  • Create a product in Shopify for the monthly subscription product
    • I.e. PRODUCT NAME: Monthly Coffee Subscription
  • In your preferred subscription app, create a monthly subscription plan
  • Then, in Shopify create a new product for prepaid
    • I.e. PRODUCT NAME: Prepaid Coffee Subscription
  • In your preferred subscription app, create a prepaid subscription plan and assign it to your recently created prepaid product
  • Finally you are ready to add a Subscription Optimizer widget to your store using the below instructions.



  1. Navigate to either a live theme or backup theme
  2. Navigate to your regular subscription product page in the theme customizer

  3. Click add block in the product form area
  4. Select the “Pre-Pay vs Subscribe” block
  5. Select the block to view the block’s settings

  6. In the product picker, select the subscription and prepaid products you wish to swap between
  7. Hit save to view changes

  8. Use theme customizer settings to style the widget
  9. Hit save changes when you are finished

Frequent Questions

Navigate to your theme customizer and choose a product template. In your product form, you'll see a blue "Add block" button to add your block.

You'll need to add the app block labeled "Pre-Pay vs. Subscribe"

Click on the block in the theme customizer to pull up the settings.

You'll need to install this block on a product page.

Answer goes here.